Biographic Note

Cristina Siza Vieira,
AHP – Portuguese Hotels Association,
Cristina Siza Vieira has worked as General Director of Tourism, Member of Gambling Advisory Board of Inspectorate-General for Gaming, Mission Officer at Center for Support to the Licensing of Structuring Tourism Projects, Director in Legal Department of Portuguese Ministry of National Defence, Advisor to Vice-President and Urbanism Councillor of Lisbon City Council, lawyer in banking and consultant for tourism business groups. With post-graduate degrees in law from University of Lisbon, and specialization in land-use planning, urbanism and environment, from 2012-3015 she was Scientific Co-coordinator and professor in the postgraduate course in tourism law, University of Lisbon; and since 2016 professor of hotel management, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon. direccao@hoteis-portugal.pt