Conference Book of Abstracts
To download the Book of Abstracts please click HERE.
Associated Journals
Submitted full papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the conference. Depending on reviewers’ final evaluation, selected papers will be considered for publication in the journals associated to the conference. Papers sent to the associated journals will go through the standard review process.
(indexed in SSCI/ Web of Science Core Collection; Scopus (Q1); Australian ABDC list ('A' journal); others)
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
(indexed in ESCI/ Web of Science Core Collection; Scopus (Q2); others)
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal
(indexed in ESCI/ Web of Science Core Collection; Scopus (Q3); others)
Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics
(indexed in ESCI/ Web of Science Core Collection; Latindex; others)
Tourism & Management Studies Journal
(indexed in Scielo Citation Index/ Web of Science; Latindex; others)
RBTUR - Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo
(indexed in Scielo Citation Index; EBSCO; Latindex; others)

t-Forum publishes edited volume(s) on the transfer and management of tourism intelligence. After the conference, authors of papers will be invited to prepare their manuscripts for possible inclusion in the t-Forum book, published by Emerald, in the book series Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice.
The 2015 t-Forum conference book
The 2018 t-Forum conference book