Call for Presentations
Transfer of knowledge to and within tourism
If you wish to bridge tourism theory and practice, this conference is for you. If your business is to be backed with tourism intelligence, Algarve is your workshop. If market shifts and tourist moves are challenging the norms, this program is for you. If you are shopping for the application of your findings, the t-Forum 2020 is your marketplace. If you want to make a presentation at this conference, 15 September 2020 is the deadline for your abstract proposal submission.
From knowledge to tourism intelligence
You are invited to contribute to the conference program by submitting an abstract showcasing the topics of the conference.
The official language of the conference is English.
Submission Evaluation Criteria
How relevant is the subject to the global community of tourism theory and practice and to individual practitioners? What is innovative in the presentation or the communication? How will practitioners benefit from this analysis or approach? Do academics get to know about industry-generated questions for investigation?
Whether the coverage is applicable to the fields of practice. What would be required to use the intelligence in terms of financial, human capital, and institutional/governance frameworks? What changes are required? What are the explicit and implicit costs? What are the internal and external benefits?
On what basis the proposal can be adopte or tried out? Are there theoretical or practical considerations, or both? What is the previous accumulated experience? What sort of leadership and governance will be needed for this type of innovation/implementation?
Is the contribution easy to understand by the target audience? Are the analyses, proposals, and methods clearly communicated to non-specialists. Is the contribution a well-structured piece of communication?