Conference Topics & Theme
The main theme of this conference is “Breaking Old Barriers for a New World: Mobilizing Tourism Intelligence to Survive”.
We would like to invite submissions that connect knowledge/intelligence to and within tourism. These might include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following topics:
Shifting Tourism Industry in the Face of Climate Change
Climate friendly travel
Destination-wide tourism awakening
Under- and over-capacity development
Green and blue, new deal and sustainability
Sharing economy
Challenges of mega markets of China, India, Africa, Russia and Muslim worlds
Re-imagining Mediterranean tourism
Regained appeals of Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia vis-à-vis Italy, Portugal and Spain
Tourism and well-being
Building and Maintaining Capacity
Tomorrow’s workforce: managing talent
Gender balance in tourism
Immigrant and refugee workforce in tourism
Designing and managing tourist experiences
Overtourism: succeeding to fail
Circular economy in tourism
Tourism entrepreneurship
Future-making, trend-making
Niche markets, golf tourism
From Knowledge to Tourism Intelligence
Tourism and governance
Research-based strategy
Intelligence-based innovation
Industry expectations from university graduates
How theory informs practice
Responsible development and marketing
“A nice place to live is a nice place to visit”
Breaking old barriers for a new industry
Mobilizing intelligence to advance