Registration Fees
All attendees must register in advance in order to participate in the conference's activities.

Participants/Students registration fee includes:
admission to all sessions and certificate of presentation.
(1) Authors and coauthors who wish to attend to the conference;
(2) All students: Along with your receipt, please submit a scanned copy of your student card or other formal document from the university confirming your status;
General conditions:
Open link to check general conditions
Cancellation Policy:
All registrations, abstracts, and payments made before the conference postpone will remain valid for the new conference dates. If you cannot join us in November, a cancellation request may be sent to the t-Forum registration secretariat tforum2020@ualg.pt by October 16. Only 50% will be refunded. Please note that registration refunds will be processed after this date.
In case of cancellation, the abstract and paper submitted will be withdrawn. No refund will be processed for cancellation requests received on or after October 16.

Registration Form
To register at t-Forum conference please use the registration form available HERE
Payment Information
Entity name:
Only4search Associação
University of Algarve, Gambelas Campus, Building 7, 8005-139, Faro, Portugal
VAT Number:
PT509 889 700
Bank name:
Caixa Geral de Depósitos
PT50 0035 0205 00013765 53054
Swift Code (BIC):
Please fill in the transfer descriptive “FirstName_LastName_TFORUM2020”.
Entries will only be considered valid after filling in the registration form and payment receipt upload.