Workshop Abstract
Aligning the Shared Tourism Economy with a Destination Brand
The rapid expansion of tourism sharing economy results in unbridled growth of supply misaligned with destinations’ strategic directions. Destinations have had mixed results in influencing sharing tourism economy platforms with punitive measures like bans, new taxes, and fees. The workshop will involve participants in planning a non-punitive market-based approach to influence the local sharing tourism economy sector. The discussion will showcase a triadic partnership among a university lab, an online retailer, and a DMO in the United States, and will guide participants on how to adapt this model to their context. The workshop will be useful to engaged researchers, DMOs desiring to collaborate with academia, and triple bottom-line companies.
Duarte B. Morais, North Carolina State University, USA, Moderator
Gene Brothers, North Carolina State University, USA
Jonathan Freeze, Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau, USA
**Registration is mandatory HERE.