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Thursday - 25/05/2017

Museum of Faro

15h00 Reception


15h15 Pre-Event Special Session on “Master scholars on economic development” - organized by the Association of Economists of Latin Languages ​​(AENL) in memory of Giacomo Becattini


17h00 Opening session

Welcome address by the Municipality of Faro and Hugo Pinto (in representation of CES & CIEO)


17h30 Plenary session 1

Chair: Gioacchino Garofoli

Keynote Speaker 1: António Vázquez Barquero “Endogenous development in a global world: challenges and answers”

Keynote Speaker 2: Elvira Uyarra “Challenges of place based innovation policies ”


19h00 Port wine tasting


Friday - 26/05/2017

Faculty of Economics, Campus de Gambelas

09h00 Reception

09h30 Welcome address by Rui Nunes (Director of the Faculty of Economics) and representative of CCDR Algarve


Chair: Hugo Pinto

10h00 Plenary session 2

Keynote Speaker 1: José Reis

“Lost in translation: territory as the “missing bag" of public policies”

Keynote Speaker 2: Teresa Noronha “Recent advances in regional and local development higher education”


11h00 Coffee-Break


11h30 Parallel Sessions 1 and 2


13h00 Lunch Break


14h30 Plenary session 3

Chair: Mark Boden, JRC, S3P

Roundtable on “Smart specialization and local development” – organized by the Smart Specialisation Platform

Final Roundtable Report available here


16h30 Coffee-Break


17h00 Ceremony of International Awards on Territorial Development

Chair: Representative of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics

Representative of UMPP – to deliver Young Researchers Award

Representative of CCDR Algarve – to deliver Enterprises Award

Representative of CM Faro – to deliver Territories Award

Gioacchino Garofoli – to deliver Essays Award


Key-note address by the winner of the Essays Award

18h30 End of Ceremony


Saturday - 27/05/2017

Faculty of Economics, Campus de Gambelas


09h30 Special Session “Alternative economic policies for Europe and beyond” - organized by AENL


11h00 Coffee-Break


11h30 Parallel Sessions 3 and 4


12h45 Closing Address: Representative of Faculty of Economics, Patrícia Pinto (vice-president of CIEO) and Gioacchino Garofoli

Download the Book of Abstracts



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