Thursday - 25/05/2017
Museum of Faro
15h00 Reception
15h15 Pre-Event Special Session on “Master scholars on economic development” - organized by the Association of Economists of Latin Languages (AENL) in memory of Giacomo Becattini
17h00 Opening session
Welcome address by the Municipality of Faro and Hugo Pinto (in representation of CES & CIEO)
17h30 Plenary session 1
Chair: Gioacchino Garofoli
Keynote Speaker 1: António Vázquez Barquero “Endogenous development in a global world: challenges and answers”
Keynote Speaker 2: Elvira Uyarra “Challenges of place based innovation policies ”
19h00 Port wine tasting
Friday - 26/05/2017
Faculty of Economics, Campus de Gambelas
09h00 Reception
09h30 Welcome address by Rui Nunes (Director of the Faculty of Economics) and representative of CCDR Algarve
Chair: Hugo Pinto
10h00 Plenary session 2
Keynote Speaker 1: José Reis
“Lost in translation: territory as the “missing bag" of public policies”
Keynote Speaker 2: Teresa Noronha “Recent advances in regional and local development higher education”
11h00 Coffee-Break
11h30 Parallel Sessions 1 and 2
13h00 Lunch Break
14h30 Plenary session 3
Chair: Mark Boden, JRC, S3P
Roundtable on “Smart specialization and local development” – organized by the Smart Specialisation Platform
Final Roundtable Report available here
16h30 Coffee-Break
17h00 Ceremony of International Awards on Territorial Development
Chair: Representative of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics
Representative of UMPP – to deliver Young Researchers Award
Representative of CCDR Algarve – to deliver Enterprises Award
Representative of CM Faro – to deliver Territories Award
Gioacchino Garofoli – to deliver Essays Award
Key-note address by the winner of the Essays Award
18h30 End of Ceremony
Saturday - 27/05/2017
Faculty of Economics, Campus de Gambelas
09h30 Special Session “Alternative economic policies for Europe and beyond” - organized by AENL
11h00 Coffee-Break
11h30 Parallel Sessions 3 and 4
12h45 Closing Address: Representative of Faculty of Economics, Patrícia Pinto (vice-president of CIEO) and Gioacchino Garofoli
Download the Book of Abstracts