Origin of the Prize
The organization of the INTERNATIONAL AWARD ON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT is directly connected with the history of Italian industrial districts and localized productive systems. It is an international award to emphasize the need to mobilize ideas and projects for development based on the valorisation of local resources. It has the ambition to help to link the academic reflection and of practitioners in the field. It is an initiative strongly turned towards the action and the relations of the public sector and private actors in the process of territorial development.
The origin of this award is directly related with an international network of researchers formed around the International Association of Economists of Latin Languages ​​(AENL) whose president is Professor Gioacchino Garofoli (Professor at the University of Insubria, Italy), the main instigator of this award. Other scientific and academic associations were heavily involved in the previous editions of the award: Italian Association of Regional Science (AISRE), French Language Regional Science Association (ASRDLF), Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR), and the Spanish Association of Regional Science (AECR). This network includes many academics and actors concerned about the problems of development in European countries and in Latin America.
In parallel with the award, the network has organized other events related to local development in Mediterranean and Latin America (Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Bogata).
Former Editions
The first edition of the Award was organized in Caltagirone 23-24 November 2007 by the Integrated Development Agencie (Agenzia di Sviluppo Integrato Caltagirone) during an event dedicated to territorial and local development.
The winners were:
Researcher: Claude Courlet (Pierre Mendès University France, Grenoble);
Young researcher: Oscar Madoery (Universidad de Buenos Aires);
Territory: Istituzione dei Distretti Industriali of the Province of Arezzo.
The second edition of the award was held in Arezzo on 28-29 January 2010 by the Institution of Industrial Districts of the Province of Arezzo during the event dedicated to the answers of the local systems to the international crisis.
The winners were:
Researcher: José Arocena, Professor of Social Sciences, Universidad Católica de Uruguay;
Young researcher: María Jesús Ruiz Fuensanta (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spagna) and Tommaso Cinti (Università degli studi di Firenze);
Territory: industrial district of Cluses and the Valley of the Arve;
Company: Tesmec SpA (Grassobbio - Bergamo).
In addition, two special prizes for local development were awarded: Professor Giacomo Becattini (Professore Emerito dell'Università di Firenze) and the Edison Foundation.
The third edition was organized in Cluses, France, on October 3, 4 and 5, 2013, by the community of communes "Cluses Arve Montagne" with the support of the Rhône-Alpes region. The colloquium focused on territories and productive systems located at the heart of economic and social change.
Five prizes were awarded:
Prestigious award: Allen J. Scott (UCLA - University of California, Los Angeles,) and Denis Maillat (University of Neuchatel) deceased.
Researcher: Francisco Alburquerque Llorens (local development training program in Latin America, the multilateral investment fund (MIF) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB);
Young researcher Eduardo Iván Palavicini Corona, economist Mexico Technonologique Autonomous Institute (ITAM) (defended in 2012 at the London School of Economics and Political Science) and Hugues Jeannerat, Lecturer at the University of Neuchâtel (thesis supported in 2012);
Territory: the city of Rafaela in Argentina and the industrial district of Lecco in Italy;
Company: Il paesaggio dell'eccellenza (Association for the diffusion of corporate culture, Recanati, Marche, Italy) and Federazione Italiana of the Banche di Credito Cooperativo / Banca di Credito Cooperativo Valdostana (Valle d'Aosta, Italy).