Call for Presentations
Call for presentations is now closed!
The 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT opens a call for presentations for the parallel sessions. Participants are invited to present research results or practical examples of projects and initiatives that may instigate local/regional development. Presentations in the parallel sessions should focus the following topics, among others related with local development:
Economic crisis and challenges for bottom-up development initiatives
Strategic planning - overview of existing experiences
Smart specialization and local/regional development
Urban and regional policies
Investment and employment for local and regional change
Rural development and agro-industrial systems
Innovation and territorial development
Local productive systems
Credit and local development
New firm formation and regional development
Governance of territorial development
Local and regional resources and endogenous development
Financial resources and territorial development
Industrial districts and clusters: transformation trajectories and policy tools
Valorisation of cultural resources and territorial development
Investment and employment for rural development
Urban development and new tourism dynamics
Submission of abstracts and registration should be completed until the April 16, 2017.
Acceptance of abstracts will be sent until April 23, 2017.
The 2017 INTERNATIONAL AWARD ON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ceremony will be held in Faro (Portugal) in the framework of the International Conference on Local Development scheduled for May 25-27, 2017.
This conference has no registration fee.
Call for presentations in PDF!
Call for presentations is closed.
Note: this call for presentations is independent from the participation in the INTERNATIONAL AWARD ON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT. Presenters in the conference willing to be considered in any of the award categories should send their specific proposal to the award independently. Instructions for the awards are also presented in the website.