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Register Now!

To register at the congress, please fill in the registration form (click here) and send it by email to, including proof of bank transfer.

Registration Fees

CIEO members: 40 euros

Students: 60 euros

Other participants: 100 euros


Inscription fee includes attendance to all scientific sessions, official documentation of the congress, participation certificate, coffee breaks and 2 lunches.




For bank transfer payment:


Association Only4search

University of Algarve, Gambelas Campus, Building 7, 8005-139, Faro, Portugal

VAT Number: 509889700 


IBAN: PT50 0035 0199 0000 4075 030 65

Swift Code (BIC): CGDIPTPL

Account Number: 004075-030

NIB: 0035 0199 0000 4075 030 65

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