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Submission Guidelines


You can submit proposals for Symposium, Oral Communication or Poster.


Symposium should have a maximum of five oral communications, from at least three different authors.


Oral Communications will be organized in parallel sessions and each communication will have 15 minutes máx.


Posters should have maximum A1 size (Vertical/Portrait). We suggest Arial font, 24 points.

The poster doesn't need to have a formal presentation.


All proposals can be presented in Portuguese, English or Spanish.


Abstract Submission


For each abstract submission please fill in the form (click here) before february 10th, 2017.

Abstracts must be submitted in English.


For each proposal you should indicate the following:

- Type of proposal: symposium, oral communication or poster

- Main topic of the proposal: Cities and Spatial Dynamics; Organizations, Innovation and Learning Spaces; Tourism and Well-being in Society; Other topics

- Presentation language: English, Portuguese or Spanish


In the abstract please also indicate: research title, authors name, institutional affiliations and e-mail contacts.

The abstract text should have 250 words maximum and three to five keywords are required.


For symposium proposals, you should present a general abstract.

Also indicate the symposium chair, the title and authors of all communications.


Important notes:

To be included in the program, at least one author should pay the registration fee until the 31st March 2017.

Each author (or coauthor) can present three communications/posters maximum.

Paper Submission


Paper submission is optional and your contribution might be published in the Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics.

Paper proposals must follow the journal rules (click here) and should be sent by e-mail to, before May 1st 2017.



Six best papers will be selected as "best congress paper”.

These six papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. This journal is indexed at Thomson Reuters, RePec, Latindex, Directory of Open Access Journal and Academia (click here).

Other papers will be published online in the congress website Proceedings Book (an ISBN edition).


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